Transforming takes a couple of seconds, but you’re free to move around while your character scales to their new size and shape. At this point, simply fire the gun to begin the transformation sequence. If said thing is a prop (toilet, garbage can, toy dinosaur, etc) and not something structural like a wall or trap, it’ll highlight itself in blue. The Prop-o-Matic is pretty straight-forward: Select it from your inventory as you would any gun and aim it at the thing you want to transform into. In order to play with other folk, you’ll have to load into Playground mode with matchmaking set to “Fill.” Once you’ve loaded into the portal hub, you can either use the dedicated Prop Hunt portal to the left, or enter the Island Code 6069-9263-9110 into another portal after selecting Change Destination. It’s a straight-up Creative Mode island, code and all, and this means that matchmaking is a little unorthodox. How to Play Prop Hunt in Fortniteįor reasons that remain unclear, Prop Hunt isn’t a limited time mode. Both teams take turns playing both roles, and whichever team has the most points at the end is declared the victor. Disguised players emit an audible “ping” every 15 seconds, like it or not, aiding the search team’s efforts. The other team, armed with Scoped Revolvers, Suppressed SMGs, Boom Bows, and Boogie Bombs, must locate and eliminate all of the hiding players within the time limit. Hiders can also collect coins to increase their team’s score, but doing so requires moving out into the open. One team of players, armed with nothing but a Prop-o-Matic and their wits, must try to survive until the timer runs out by hiding among the thousands of props littering the map. Prop Hunt is a hide-and-seek Creative Mode island for up to 16 players.

Fortnite Creative Codes for the Best Classic Video Game Levels.

To showcase the kind of imaginative modes this new item enables, Epic commissioned Prop Hunt, a custom game type by Creative Mode collective StrayKite. Thanks to Creative Mode’s new “Prop-o-Matic” gun, transforming into a toilet (or any other prop) is now possible.

If you, like us, have always dreamed of playing Fortnite as a toilet, then today is your lucky day.