Yes.but is a huge difference between an account like steam and a facebook account.i dont care if my mom uses my steam account but i will be very much affraid of what my mom can found on my facebook. if this doesn't make sense, I'll try playing and explaining what I mean somehow.I dont really get the issue of letting your younger cousin use your pc to play a free animation software, is not like the pc is going to blow beacuse of that.Īnd what exactly letting your cousin use a free app affects the sales platform? what kind of issues causes? cause i cant think of anything that using a free software can harm someone.the oppsite.i actually give them another wallet.he ws tired of using my pc and my account.(i cant tell the resons why) but he went out of his way to buy a pc, and create a steam account and buy games from him.so yeah i affect steam.in a positive way. On top of that, what does the HP mean that's to the left of your stab percentage on the bone spear? One more thing, how are you supposed to keep the fire alight and blazing like mad when you're out of the village/the firelit room?Īshleigh Piccinino P.S. I also don't know how you're supposed to carry all that food and stuff while still getting the lute items. yet, I don't know what the clicks mean-two clicks East, for example. however, I feel that that part of the game can rely, and does rely heavily on one's orientation and mobility skills. how do you appropriately play this section/explore the world outside the village? note that I no absolutely nothing about working a compass as I've never used one before. I'm on the dusty path section, kind of that is. of course, I've heard about it for a while but am a cheapscate so didn't buy it until a few days ago.